I posted something about this over at the G.I.JEFF site a couple of weeks ago. It bacame apparent that I would not be ready to start publishing the comic by the end of July. At that time, I decided that early September was more realistic. While I have not yet colored or lettered the cover or any of the six pages of "Dead Men Don't Eat Quiche", I have finished inking the story and I've written the script for the next chapter, "Real Men Don't Wear Plaid". So, if I can get the pages scanned and start coloring the story within the next week or so, I should be able to post the cover page on September 1st.
In other news, I have another new project brewing: PIG-FIST and BACON! I have written a script for the first Pig-Fist and Bacon story and am currently working on character designs. I hope to run the first Pig-Fist story immediately after I complete "Dead Men Don't Eat Quiche" and follow it with the G.I.JEFF story, "Real Men Don't Wear Plaid". Other projects still in the works are a children's(?) book entitled MONSTER BIRD, another webcomic entitled PAWNS and a superhero adventure comic that I started working on back in the mid-eighties, which will need a bit of retooling for the twenty-teens. Plus, the various short stories and novels I've been trying to finish and get published for the last couple of years. AND another children's book, and a graphic novel (in the stricter-than-usual sense of the term - it's a very heavily illustrated fantasy novel I've been playing around with for years). Plus my 3D modeling and my sporadic attempts at painting. Not to mention my songwriting and recording projects. Well, they say that idle hands are the devil's playground; I don't guess I'll have much time for him to mess with me for a while.
Hopefully, next time I'll have some PIG-FIST and BACON character sketches to share. See ya then, God willin' and the creek don't rise.